Yoli started by reminding us that that their organization is sustained entirely by donations – there is no government or international Red Cross funding available. They provide services to 1,500 people each month and that 80% of them are poor local Mexicans.   Their payroll is 97,000 pesos every two weeks, and they must also buy medicines, gas for vehicles and other supplies to function. They have several fundraisers coming up – October 29 is the “Thriller” street dance production, and Nov. 3 offers a golf tournament.  
She played a video which showing Red Cross rescue dogs at work (the Bomberos have trained abandoned dogs to be rescue dogs) and then responded to questions. The cost of the ambulance to Guadalajara (return trip) is 2,500 pesos (about $125 US) – the vehicle must be kept running the whole time at the hospital because of the equipment in the vehicle – this is costly, but necessary.    Harry Bublin spoke of his experience with the Red Cross, which was very positive.  When you consider what it would cost in the US, it’s very inexpensive here. The Red Cross people here are well-trained and two of them were sent to Ecuador to help with a rescue effort there recently, Yoli said.  
They work with the local firefighters (Bomberos) who also have an ambulance, but do not have an emergency room, so they must use the Red Cross facility.  The Red Cross has five ambulances, but only one in good enough condition to go regularly to Guadalajara – two others are now being repaired.  

She told us that when she took over as President they had a debt of 170,000 pesos for medicines. Now most of that has been paid off. 
The Red Cross emergency number is 376-765-2308 – if you call 065, the call goes to Guadalajara first, and is then referred to the local clinic, causing delay.